Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Eyes wide open.

Have you ever felt like you were in the right place, at the right time?
Doing just the right things?
With the right person?
Have you ever felt like you are doing what you're supposed to, in the right place, with the person you are meant to be with in life?
For once in your life, does everything fit?
Do all the puzzle pieces hug nice and neatly to each other?
And if so; how beautiful/amazing/awe-inspiring is the picture it creates?
Are you blown away by lifes beauty?
Is your mind open; your heart willing?
Are you inspired so much so that you swell with tears, flood with goosebumps,forget to breathe?
And in that moment you soak in that inspiration, you breath so heavily inward that you explode like a floating balloon.
And who; might I ask, holds your heart so gently, so carefully, that you smile in your sleep, so soundly and so peacefully?
Please tell me you can say yes to these questions.
Please tell me you are willing to live; love; cry; forget;forgive.
Please tell me you can untangle all ties that hold you from your full potential.
Please tell me you can look them in the eyes and say screw you; thank you; goodbye; hello; I love you; don't go.
With so much passion; so much conviction.
You shake to the bone, your blood flows fast and hard.
You wake up that next morning, and you know; you know.
This is your time.
Your life.
And you've finally begun to live it.

Congratulations.. The world has been waiting for you..


  1. what in the world, WHO ARE YOU!? haha you're amazing lindsey, this is beyond incredible. So great, worded perfectly.
    YES YES YES. I answered all those questions.
    sigh, you're great! gahh.
    write more, write more, write more, write write.

  2. so beautiful. I love this so much.

  3. Thank you ladies. It means a lot to me; your words.
