Thursday, March 18, 2010

End Of An Era; Start Of A Revolution.

So, so many things I want to put behind me.
Satan get behind me.

Have you ever seen those Ban Deodorant commercials?
"Ban insecurities."
"Ban self doubt."
Ban Ban Ban Ban.

It shows all these women with fashion forward hats and gloves with spray paint and skateboards. All happy to put on their Ban deodorant and suddenly gain great smelling arm pits and confidence up the whazoo.
Well, with all cynicism aside, I wish it was that easy. I hope to make it that easy. It should be that easy!
Roll on some deodorant; Take on the world.
Wake up in the morning; have a great day.
Look in the mirror; love what you see.
Throw on some clothes; feel fabulous.
Put on a smile; mean it.
"Help I'm alive; my heart keeps beating like a hammer"
Be be be uh live. Alive.
Live Alive.
This; is what I want.

I walk around like the living dead. The only thing sporadic and with a pulse is my moods.
Like a rollar coaster.
Do they make pills for that?
Oh yeah, Prozac.
Prozac; Get behind me.

I am a healthy girl.
I am, really.
I believe if you say something enough; you will eventually believe it.
Yes yes yes.
Just like how I fabricate bad things that may have happened and I didn't realize it.
Did I just run a red light?
No, no, I didn't, everyone else went...
Wait..I did didn't I?!
No. I didn't.
I did. I did. I did. Oh dear.

Anxiety; Get behind me.

I am a healthy healthy healthy girl.

I hope that out of my sporadic and hair brained ramblings that someone; somewhere will get something out of it.
Well; It's late. I can't blame you.

But, Know this.

It will get behind me. And I, someday will most definitely be free. Fuh Ree. Free.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE!
    such a great post.
    I'm in with you on this one, we'll ban these things in our lifes together.
    lovee you girl.
